
2018年2月22日 星期四


H:熱量 ( kcal )
m:物質 ( 氣體:Nm^3 )
s:比熱 ( kcal / ( Nm^3*℃ )
△T:溫差 ( ℃ )


Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NO by NH3 in a Fixed‐bed Reacto



1.      Introduction         
Fossil fuels have been main sources for energy in terms of combustion, where chemical energy in fuels is converted into thermal and mechanical energies. When air reacts with fuels at high temperature, NOx representing NO, NO2, N2O, N2O5 and etc is unavoidable due to the reaction between oxygen and nitrogen in air [1, 2]. NOx is toxic as itself as well as a precursor of acid rain, so its regulation has been becoming more stringent all over the countries. There has been much interest in reducing NOx from engines in terms of fuel injection strategies [3], exhaust gas recirculation [4] and catalytic reactions [5], among which selective catalytic reduction (SCR) has been successfully applied in stationary applications such as boilers and power plants [6]. Although there are many reducing agents suggested, gaseous ammonia shows the best performance for this reaction [7]:        
4NH3 + 4NO + O2    4N2 + 6H2O                               (1.1)
Although the equation (1.1) is a major pathway for NO in the presence of O2, the equation (1.2) is also important when NO2 is high in the mixture of NO and NO2 [8].                                                 
4NH3 + 2NO + 2NO2   4N2 + 6H2O                             (1.2)
There have been many catalysts developed for the SCR reaction [9, 10], among which a V2O5/TiO2 catalyst has been widely used in commercial applications [10]. Although the equation (1.1) is an overall reaction for SCR, many elementary steps are involved during the reaction between NO and NH3 [11]. Since NO is reacted with NH3 on catalysts, its detailed reaction mechanism has been of great interest in order to develop kinetic models of SCR depending upon catalysts [12 – 14]. According to many studies, it is accepted that NO is reacted via the Langmuir‐Hinshelwood mechanism in V2O5‐WO3/TiO2 catalysts [13], where gaseous NO and NH3 are adsorbed on the catalysts and adsorbed NO and NH3 are reacted on the surface.           
There have been many researches for modeling of ammonia‐SCR systems [15 ‐ 19]. As evidenced by experiments, oxygen concentration in the exhaust gases is crucial for the SCR. Therefore, some kinetic models took into account the oxygen concentration [18, 19]. However, Chae et al. only considered NO and NH3 concentrations for their model although oxygen effect was already employed in their model [16]. Another important parameter in the SCR model is whether NH3 is oxidized by reacting oxygen as shown in the equation (1.3) [17, 18]. Since this reaction is active at high temperature over 400o C, it is observed that NO removal activity decreases over this temperature because NH3 which needs for NO reaction is converted into NO.                                                    
4NH3 + 5O2   4NO + 6H2O                                        (1.3)

In this study, the reaction between NO and NH3 was simulated in COMSOL using fundamental mass and momentum equations. The model was studied if it is appropriate to describe SCR reaction, which has been experimentally proven.

1.      Governing Equations
There are two governing equations employed in this model; one is a mass equation, and the other is a momentum equation. Although there is a heat evolved during the reaction of NO and NH3, an energy equation was not considered because it is very small due to small amounts of two reactants. The equation (2.1) indicates a mass equation in an advective flow.
where c is a concentration, D is a diffusion coefficient, R is a chemical reaction, and v is a velocity which is a vector form. Since the mass equation is assumed at a steady state, the 1st term is canceled out and finally the equation becomes the equation (2.2)                                      

For a momentum equation, the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equation in a laminar flow was employed as shown in the equation (2.3) and (2.4) 
未完 !!

2018年2月18日 星期日

Excel 跨欄置中 快捷鍵 編寫

自訂Excel 跨欄置中 快速鍵

1.點擊-索引標籤>開發人員>程式碼>Visual Basic;如下圖;

2.跳出Microsaft Visual Basi視窗,點擊-索引標籤>插入>模組;如下圖;


Sub 跨欄置中()
' 快速鍵: Ctrl+d
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 0
        .AddIndent = False
        .IndentLevel = 0
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
    End With
End Sub


.4. 點擊-索引標籤>檢視>Microsoft Excel 或索引標籤下的Excel 圖示 Alt+F11;如下圖;

5.視窗跳至Excel -點擊-索引標籤>開發人員>程式碼>巨集;如下圖;


7.輸入欲設定的快捷鍵,並按確定;如下圖:(    注意:不要與原Excel快捷鍵相衝突 )


9.框選合併範圍;按 Ctrl + d;如下圖示:



參考:Excel 跨欄置中 有沒有快捷鍵呢?


跨欄靠左 >>

Sub 跨欄靠左()
' 快速鍵: Ctrl+s
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 0
        .AddIndent = False
        .IndentLevel = 0
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
    End With
End Sub

跨欄靠右 >>

Sub 跨欄靠右()
' 快速鍵: Ctrl+s
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 0
        .AddIndent = False
        .IndentLevel = 0
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
    End With
End Sub



2018年2月1日 星期四

Visual Basic 2017 安裝

1.Google搜尋VISUAL STUDIO 下載,雙擊 Downloads|IDE,& Team .....;如下圖:
   或 點擊 https://www.visualstudio.com/zh-hant/downloads/

2.點選 Community 2017 的 Free Download;如下圖所示:
3.執行下載的 vs_community__660000410.1517416537.exe 執行檔;如下圖所示:

4.顯示一新安全警告視窗,點擊 [ 執行 ]按鈕;如下圖所示:

5.顯示一 Microsoft 隱私聲明,點擊 [ 繼續 ]按鈕;如下圖所示:



8.點擊 [ .NET 桌面開發 ] 選項右上角 方框與依需要是否要將 [ NET F4.7 開發工具 ] 與  [ NET F4.7.1 開發工具 ] 打勾載入;如下圖所示:


10.視窗顯示安裝成功,點擊 [ 啟動 ] 按鈕;如下圖所示:

11.開始啟動 開新視窗顯示如下:

12.啟動完成,視窗顯示 Visual Basic2017 起始頁;如下圖所示:

13.如不習慣 深色底式樣,可在 [ 工具 ] 下 點選 [ 選項 ];如下圖所示:

14.顯示一新視窗,在 >>環境>>一般>>視覺效果>>色彩布置主題>>下拉式選單選擇您需要之選項後點擊 [ 確定 ];如下圖所示:

15.顏色改為白底黑字後,新增檔案步驟如下 開啟 [ 檔案 ] >> [ 新增 ] >> [ 專案 ];如下圖:

16.視窗顯示內定如下 ( 在Visual C# )

17.點選 [ Visual Basic ] >> Windows Forms App (.NET Framework);如下圖:

18. 點擊 [ Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) ] 按 [ 確定 ];如下圖:

19.建立專案 中....;如下圖:

20.視窗顯示 [ Visual Basic ]  Form1.vb [ 設計 ];如下圖: